Hi Don,
Thanks very much for sharing the experience.
As you know this is only the tip of the iceberg. For every story like this we hear about, there are a hundred more just like it, happening somewhere around the world.
Thanks again.
The Oracle
note: i found the following experience where someone (rob) applied captives of a concepts chapter 21 when trying to help his father-in-law see some of the interesting he learned from the proclaimers book.. __________________________________________.
this past wednesday night, the 6th.
i met with my father-in-law.
Hi Don,
Thanks very much for sharing the experience.
As you know this is only the tip of the iceberg. For every story like this we hear about, there are a hundred more just like it, happening somewhere around the world.
Thanks again.
The Oracle
i just thought you should know that mrs cedars has finally taken the plunge and joined the forum.
she was able to log on for the first time yesterday.. though we both "awakened" at different stages, mrs cedars was very supportive and non-judgmental when i first began exploring my beliefs from a critical standpoint.
she is currently in the process of reading crisis of conscience and aquainting herself with some of the facts of witness history that were hitherto unknown.
Welcome aboard Mrs. Cedars!
Great to have you on the board.
We enjoy having Mr. Cedars, and are very pleased you have taken the plunge to start sharing some thoughts. Don't worry about your english!
Enjoy your day!
The Oracle
the front page of the watchtower.org site (sorry, but i won't give them a clickable link that may help their search engine rankings) has a section that says this:.
your personal invitation.
would you like to have a personal home bible study and increase your knowledge of the bible?.
Yes, the abuse of children extends far beyond the dangerous exposure to sexual predators in the congregation setting.
Psychological abuse is heavy and persistant.
Thank goodness the house of cards is beginning to crumble....
The Oracle
on my introduction post a few people expressed interest in how the worldwide church of god (wwcg) imploded.
i think maybe in hopes something similar will happen with the jws.
i think the jws will also eventually experience a meltdown but probably not in the same way since the power structure was a bit different.
welcome Cog!
Enjoyed your post and the insights that you shared.
We do totally understand where you are coming from.
Hope to read more of your posts in the future.
The Oracle
this recent video has already appeared on a few threads, but i thought it deserved it's own.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ob7vynx8evg.
I like this anonymous movement.
Nice to see someone other than Ex-Jehovah's Witnesses realizing the evil of the organization and having some determination to help the innocent people trapped inside who are suffering.
The Oracle
i find it incredible that the public doesn't know this.
the watchtower society is showing callous disregard for the rights and safety of the public.. i really think we need to make an effort to get the word out.
the watchtower society and child abuse are in the news now, especially with the candace conti case and the recent actions of anonymous.. do you think we can get a newspaper interested in covering this story?
I applaud these efforts.
Few things are more precious than our children.
Getting the newspapers involved is a great tactic. Using the internet to the full is also a good technique.
Emailing links to news stories is a good follow-up campaign.
If everyone takes a few moments to send a few email links, make a call to a newspaper, post some information somewhere on the internet...whatever you can find the time to do - it will have a tremendous collective impact.
There are a lot of good causes out there, but our unique experiences put us in the perfect position to help warn the public and create the proper level of awareness in connection with this good cause.
If our efforts spare one child the indiginity, horror, and damage that is caused by being molested by a JW pedofile the time has been well spent.
Good luck,
The Oracle
article found here.. .
those who grow up in an atheist household are least likely to maintain their beliefs about religion as adults, according to a study by georgetown university's center for applied research in the apostolate (cara).only about 30 percent of those who grow up in an atheist household remain atheists as adults.
this "retention rate" was the lowest among the 20 separate categories in the study.. there were 1,387 atheists (weighted) in the survey.
anyone can be dogmatic = true.
Real Science is not religious at all.
The Oracle
we have seen hundreds of examples of where the watchtower uses the word "evidently" to make their doctrinal point.
(page 9, para 6).
(page 19 para 5).
"A matter that becomes clear ceases to concern us"
- Friedrich Nietzsche
final witness*.
air date: wednesday, july 11, 2012. time slot: 10:00 pm-11:00 pm est on abc.
The Watchtower Cult produces a-holes of the highest order.
This is just one of many real life examples that produce evidence that this is true.
Why are so many JW's pathological liars?
It may be because the demands are so heavy, and the consequences for non-compliance are so unpleasant that young JWs learn the easiest way out is to start lying. This pattern continues as they get older.
Lie to their parents about what they do at school, and who they hang out with.
Lie on their service timesheets.
Lie when accused of wrong doing.
Lie Lie Lie.
As a former elder I was constantly shocked by how easy it was for the rank and file JWs to lie through their teeth when they got in trouble. Even fellow elders would lie over the most ridiculous things.
Without a doubt the single biggest difference I find between the real world and the JW world is the honestly level. In the real world people simply don't need to lie to get through life. Don't get me wrong - there are plenty of liars in the real world too - but it depends what kind of people you gravitate too and surround yourself with. There are a lot of very honest and decent people in the world...you just need to find them and make them your friends.
Peace to all,
The Oracle
the september km is out, here is the thread pointing to it:.
of particular note is the "highlight" on page 4, announcing the attendance at the memorial in the usa.. the 2012 yearbook notes the memorial attendance in 2011 was 2.563,318, while in 2012, per the september 2012 km, it was 2,502,055 -- a decline of 2.4%.. .
I believe the decline has begun.
I have faith in my fellow man, and the growing collective intelligence of the citizens of our planet.
Evolution is in full swing.
The internet and critical thinking provide the formula that is producing more awakenings.
The Oracle